Sep 18, 2019

Advance your professional career

Few lessons how you can advance your professional career

The beginning of the year is a key point to rethink our work objectives. We give you few simple lessons with how to advance your professional career. They will help you assess market opportunities and follow your goals.

With the arrival of a new year on the list of purposes, it is not only a matter of doing sports, traveling more or joining classes for something we have never done. It is the moment in which we analyze the point where we are in many of our aspects.

The start of the year also implies for many a moment of rethinking their professional situation and a key point in which many professionals decide to redirect their career either because they have stagnated, or because they have lost their way away from their objectives.
But when evaluating our professional career, there are many factors to consider that must be taken into account before we plan for the future.

One of the main lessons to take into account when facing our professional career is to avoid a specific role or industry. And although the specialization may sound like opportunities, in the long term this could have an adverse effect preventing you from exploring new skills or possibilities. When they enter a different industry or acquire a new role, professionals face new challenges and learn different ways of working. In this way, they expand their skills and increase the possibility of opting for other jobs.

Another of the tips with which to trace in the best way our professional career is according to Cox always keep us flexible and inquisitive. Consider all your options as a professional, from assuming a new role to working abroad. In short, do not discard anything without first analyzing and reflecting on what an offer might entail in the future. Following this advice can lead your career to

new and exciting directions that you would never have thought of before.
Overcoming fear and taking risks is a key element in advancing our work career. It is important that you get used to leaving your comfort zone, as this can give you more opportunities in the future. A professional over the years will deal with changing markets, competition as well as a series of internal factors that will force him to take risks. The more accustomed you are to it, the faster and more effectively you can respond to any eventuality that comes your way.

Key moments that can propel or ruin your career
A key factor that will undoubtedly help advance our professional career is according to Cox, the people we surround ourselves with. Forming a work team that knows how to work without creating conflicts and moving forward together is essential for any company. In this way, having skills that make you stand out in terms of empathy, teamwork and ingenious ways of seeing the world will make you score many points.
Among the lessons that will allow us to advance our career, staying true to oneself is without a doubt essential. Doing so will allow you to stay focused on your goals and personal values. Cox explains that being faithful to our principles will provide us with the possibility of simplifying a complex situation to make the best decision.
Setting a professional goal and focusing on achieving it is the first step in developing a career. But sometimes it may not be so easy to stay in line with what we want. For this, the specialist advises not to succumb to stress and disconnect from time to time. It is essential to focus on the goal but you should never spend all your time chasing it at all costs. Sometimes it is worth stopping and reflecting, even during the workday.

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